Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blunt Language and To The Point

On social media. [Edit: Link Dead at last check.] I liked this post, but then I'm a sociology nerd. YMMV.
For myself, the strongest point in the article is this:
  • That’s not to say the average college student is a bad writer. It’s saying there’s a handful of college students who are shockingly good. They were able to learn because they were given an open forum, then told repeatedly how stupid they were until they matured.
It's not that in Caledon it's often needed to be said someone's a moron or being a moron. Most newcomers, the ones who stay, pick up the societal nuance and "grab a brain". I know it took me awhile. :)

1 comment:

Edward Pearse said...

And some will still shrug off a clueX4 as if shrugging away a fly.