Wednesday, August 12, 2009

American Monuments

America has always been one of those alternate universe sci fi shows. So close to home, then you see a high school marching band, or a gas station buried under flags. The trip this time is even weirder, having spent the last three weeks in France and the UK.

We started off this morning, still jetlagged, for San Francisco. We made good time, covering ground at three times the rate possible in the UK, despite the lower speed limits making highway travel feel like swimming in molasses.

The west coast isn't known for over the top monuments, except for the Space Needle. The striking things to me are the little subtleties, bear statues, barns, wagon train coffee huts, old farm houses.

Here are some pictures of Rogue River, Oregon. Where we stopped for the night.

Ornaments outside a bank in town. The fountain is active.

Another fountain in town, artificial stream, no obvious owner, civic?

Coffee house.
Town square? War dead monument, and local social club listings.
Sidewalk usage warning. I prefer this approach to a long list of what's not allowed. I wonder if this extends to aggressive seniors on electric scooters.
Closed service station mural.
This, along with the war monument, really speaks about small town mindset.
Random shot off the bridge, east along the river.
Plaque on the bridge.
The bridge and the big R on the mountain.
The bridge.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Big R on the mountain brings back memories of my high school in Ruidoso, each year the senior class going up to paint the rocks and repair the giant R. And the local hooligans (including guess who) going up the next night and making it into a giant F....